Taskforce supports the handson Group – thousands of incoming invoices outside the system

One of Germany’s biggest corporations was being deluged by thousands of incoming invoices from outside the system, directly impacting the group’s financial result and causing dissatisfaction among a large number of suppliers.

hahn+friends went to work with a team of 16 and within a few months made a significant contribution to reducing this backlog and restoring satisfaction with many suppliers.

Projects of a complex nature like this require not only sophisticated approaches, but also a high degree of pragmatism and organisation.

The solution is not always to be found in teams made up of many people. In times when there are major surges in growth, however, change processes or a need to deal with baggage from the past can also pose considerable challenges, and this is where hard-working manpower can help a company return to a normal working rhythm.

If this area catches your interests, just get in touch with us to explore possible solutions.

Janning Knop

Senior Partner People + Communication Services
Managing Partner Modern Temping Services